
Roe v. Wade

Today marks the 40th anniversary of Roe versus Wade. It gave every woman in American access to abortion procedures without having to slink down some dark alley to find a doctor who would take care of her. Over the past few years, several conservative state legislatures have done their best to chip away at Roe V Wade passing laws restricting women's reproductive rights. Texas is one of those. Today I heard on the radio, the heart wrenching story of a woman who had to put up with the indignity of an abortion under the new Texas law which is designed solely to keep women from having an abortion under any circumstance.

The woman found out through an ultrasound that her child's brain and spine are not developing properly. Although she desperately wanted a second child, she was told by the doctor  that the child would suffer all its life with pain and be developmentally challenged and also spend its life in and out of hospitals. She and her husband together decided that the best course of action, for the child, was to terminate the pregnancy.

Why any man thinks he has the right to determine what a woman should do with her body, I just can't fathom. Until men are able to get pregnant, I feel they should have absolutely no say in what a woman does with her own body.

Of course, I don't understand why anybody feels they have the right to meddle in another persons personal affairs. I rather prefer the northeastern attitude that it's nobody's business but theirs. so why should I meddle.

This evening on a talk show, I heard a woman say that today abortion should be a dialogue between the woman and her unborn child. Let me know how that works out.