GMO Detection
I don't know which side of the fence you might be on when it comes to GMO ingredients in your food. Like many other people, I don't know whether they are good or bad for you. I do, however support the propositions on the November ballots in Oregon and Colorado that would require labeling on food to TELL you when there are GMOs in the product. In an interview, Michael Degrasse Tyson said he didn't understand what the fuss is all about because we have been genetically modifying plants and animals for thousands of years.
I agree with the fact, but we did it through "Un-natural" selection, breeding or cross pollinating for the traits we wanted. Now it's possible (in theory) to cross a banana with a strawberry (who wouldn't love that combo) in the laboratory and presto you have a new fruit, but you couldn't do that naturally, if you tried for a thousand years.
I've often said that food producers would sell us shit on a stick if they thought they could and these days much of what we buy in the supermarket has about the same food value.
Anyway that's my rant for the week. Here's an interesting chart from showing who's supporting these propositions and who's not. There are some "organic" and "whole food" folks on the opposed side and it makes you wonder why...
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