It's Called - WEATHER!
Ever since the tornado tore through Oklahoma May 19 and 20th hitting a couple of schools with, gasp, children in them, the news has been full of news about tornadoes in Oklahoma. Even going so far as to break into regularly scheduled shows with "breaking news" about tornadoes in Oklahoma. "TORNADOES IN OKLAHOMA" is not a newspaper headline. They've been happening since the Wizard of Oz and long before that. (I know the Wizard took place in Kansas)
If you live in a part of the country that experiences this sort of thing, you either accept the consequences or MOVE. I realize that this is devastating if it happens to you, but you have to move on with your life; and if you don't want it to happen again, then MOVE to a part of the country that doesn't suffer from floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, mudslides, etc.
I don't know when we moved from a country of self-reliance to a country of "please FEMA help me", but it's an ugly trend that has to stop. In my youth it was always neighbor helping neighbor when disaster struck and somehow, we always made it through. You want smaller government, stop relying on them every time you stub your toe.
It's unfortunate when anyone loses their home and/or family through no fault of their own, but it's called life, so get over it.
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