
Is It Over?

The national media are calling this election over. With less than a week to go, they are counting McCain out and Obama the winner. This is serious mistake; it could make Obama supporters complacent about the outcome of the election. Maybe this is what the media had in mind all along. Everyone has accused Obama of being the media darling, but maybe this is all a mass conspiracy to actually elect McCain as the next President. Counting McCain out could cause a serious thrust on the part of his supporters and push him over the top.

I'm not a conspiracy buff, but it is possible. The bottom line is that it's not over 'til it's over. Complacency is not on the agenda. Get out and vote next Tuesday.


Support McCain?

When I went out to get my mail today, I found a letter with John McCain's name on the return address.Inside was a plea for $35 to help the McCain campaign to defeat Obama and his "massive and limitless fundraising machine." I thought McCain took public funds for his campaign! Why do I need to send him a single dime? He said the public funds were all he needed. And Why is Obama's massive fundraising machine so successful? I wonder...