
A Secret Known to Two...

is no secret at all, so the old saying goes, and the present administration has lots of secrets! The problem is, that every time one of their little secrets leaks out, they hide behind the Constitution or executive privilege or some law that they've somehow bent to their own will. With the latest news about the use by the government of telephone records of millions of Americans, the White House first denied that the story was true, then they said it was only international calls that they were interested in.

Many Americans, including some of my friends, have said "Let the government spin its wheels looking at my phone records, I have nothing to hide", but I think the point here is that at every turn, the government intrudes a little more into our private lives, and the more we allow them to intrude the more they will. It's all in the name of national security, to protect us from another 9/11. "And look what an excellent job we're doing", they say, "we haven't had another terrorist attack since that day." But we can't be sure, because to tell us what terrorist attacks they've foiled, they'd have to breach national security.

After attacking the twin towers in 1993, it took Bin Laden eight years before coming back to attack us again, so how can we be sure when the next attack will occur. The Bush administration has become very adapt at manipulating the tension level in the country by telling everyone that there might be an attack every time somebody starts looking at the administration too closely.

United States is saddled with an administration that thinks they can do anything they want and get away with it and seems to be very adept at justifying their actions, no matter how lame that justification might be and if we question their actions, we are being unpatriotic. The most patriotic thing we can do, is to question their actions, because I believe, that that is what our founding fathers intended; to have a government that is, above all, transparent and open, hiding nothing from the American people. As the Wizard said in the Wizard of Oz, "Pay no attention to the man behind the green curtain." I believe that eventually we will find out that the President is just as big a humbug as the wizard. At least once the wizard was exposed, he was man enough to stand up nd admit it.


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